It must also be said that, after three episodes, one may perhaps feel the need for a refinement of the animations and of the management of the camera, which does not always frame the action and leaves our shoulders uncovered: In short, one must be careful, showing timing and readiness, if one does not want to be beaten up. There are, as always, enemies armed with shields, protective vests and blades, which must be tackled with special tactics, and this chapter seems worse than usual in the composition of the handpieces that threaten us. At basic hits you have to alternate the counterattacks performed at the right time, to raise the counter of the combo and have access to special moves, which allow you to KO your opponents or stun them with swarms of bats. In this case the exceptional qualities of the combat system are rediscovered, still one of the most successful today.
Exploring the city one immediately realizes that in the economy of the title the clashes with the Gotham dregs have certainly become priority: the streets are full of criminals and, more often than not, should it be for a police call or to intercept an E.Nigma informant, you end up involved in a fight. The Gotham of Arkham Origins, however, is perhaps a little less characteristic than that of the previous chapter, although there are also recognizable " landmarks ", such as the long bridge that separates the two main areas of the city, the steelworks, or the pier where the Last Offer is anchored, base of the shady Cobblepot traffic. Fortunately, the problem is zeroed when we are inside buildings and during fights, and it occurs especially at times when, by sketching on the roofs of the city, the visual horizon extends to frame its boundaries. So much so that the console stumbles on more than one occasion, slows down, stops for a few seconds of loading: especially after the unpublished Fast Travels, which allow us to move between the districts of the city thanks to the Batwing. The Gotham in front of us is enormous, full of buildings, skyscrapers, factories: the Christmas decorations and the thin blanket of fresh snow settle on a city of almost embarrassing extension. Precisely on this point, the Warner Montreal team has worked extensively, greatly expanding the boundaries of the map. Batman: Arkham Origins is, on the playful front, substantially identical to its direct predecessor, from which it not only inherits the alternation between fighting and stealth phases, but also the Free-Roaming system.